
One CSS File  :  One <div>  :  5 MILLION Open Peeps Combinations  :  Infinite Customization

by Jane Ori from PropJockey
Facial Hair

Build-a-Peep Export Options

@property supported API
(~72.95% of global users)
✨ Variant options set in CSS ✨
Variant options set in HTML
Compatibility focused API
(~92.33% of global users)
Variant options set in HTML

(Note: CSS-Peeps only requires a single CSS file and is less than 1/10th of Twitter's max gif size)

Return to Build-a-Peep
Return to Build-a-Peep

CSS-Peeps API Docs

(documentation improving soon, just getting it out the door! <3)

see readme
Build-A-Peep only available on desktop (for now!)

The Type Grinding API allows easily swapping variants on :hover!

See the Pen Peep Hulk (:hover, :focus) - CSS-Peeps by Jane Ori 💜 (@propjockey) on CodePen.

--peep-flipped: 0; <number [0,1]>

--peep-zoom: 1; <number>
--peep-rotate: 0deg; <angle>

--peep-accessory-offset-x: 0px; <length>
--peep-accessory-offset-y: 0px; <length>
--peep-facial-hair-offset-x: 0px; <length>
--peep-facial-hair-offset-y: 0px; <length>
--peep-face-offset-x: 0px; <length>
--peep-face-offset-y: 0px; <length>
--peep-head-offset-x: 0px; <length>
--peep-head-offset-y: 0px; <length>
--peep-body-offset-x: 0px; <length>
--peep-body-offset-y: 0px; <length>

add extra <background> layers above the default color layers, below the black lines:
--peep-custom-paint: initial;

--peep-hat-color: #FC03C2; <color>
--peep-hair-color: #7300E6; <color>
--peep-skin-color: #87ceeb; <color>
--peep-accessory-color: #00ff00; <color>
--peep-facial-hair-color: #ffd700; <color>
--peep-object-color: #ffa500; <color>
--peep-clothes-color: #ff0000; <color>

add extra <background> layers above the clothes color, below the other peep colors, below the black lines:
--peep-clothes-custom-paint: linear-gradient(var(--peep-clothes-color) 0 100%);

Excluding --peep-flipped, All these properties are registered so they can be transitioned or animated if the browser supports it